TOM BRADY TO CURRY: At least you didn’t lose to Eli Manning

Hey Steph, I get what you’re going through. We both had our shot at history and we blew it. We screwed the pooch. We deflated that football. We were on the precipice of greatness and we got knocked on our asses. But have some perspective, Steph: you lost to an all-time great; I lost to a mouth breathing idiot.

Whenever you get down about this loss, remember, your loss came at the hands of one of the greatest physical specimens in our generation. Eli Manning isn’t even the best athlete in his family. He isn’t even top two. In your admittedly heartbreaking loss, Lebron seemed locked in and played the defining series of his career. Eli Manning has never appeared locked in. I honestly don’t think he realizes he is playing in the NFL. It would not surprise me if on the sidelines he is playing Candy Crush on his Microsoft Surface Tablet™.

Lebron James wears Nike gear because he has a billion dollar sponsorship. Eli Manning wears footie pajamas to bed because he wants to be a Ninja Turtle when he grows up. I’m not saying your loss doesn’t hurt. I’m only pointing out that it could be worse. You and your historically good team barely lost to a team led by someone who is regularly in the conversation for the best of all time. My historically good team lost to a team led by a man who has the intelligence and charisma of a very dumb six year old.

At the end of the day, we are both going to be fine. We both have full trophy cabinets. Our legacies are safe. Also, we both get to go home to our model wives, healthy children, and our frankly cartoonish amounts of money.